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The Power of 20 Minutes: Exploring the Importance of Reading Aloud with Your Children


如果你听过我们说的话, 你已经听过无数次了:每天和特别的人一起读20分钟书. Why? 请允许我解释一下.

孩子最好的老师是惊喜!—you父母或监护人. You already know that your little ones begin learning way before they even start school and that you make the biggest impact on shaping their worldview; but did you know that reading aloud with them for at least 20 minutes every day can boost your child’s emotional and social development, 培养同情心, 并显著提高他们的听力和理解能力? It’s true! 对孩子最大、最重要的影响就是你自己, and you can foster a great start to their learning adventure by simply taking the time to sit down for a small amount of time and read with them. 进一步丰富经验, you can also ask simple questions and point at pictures with your little one; it’s more fun for everyone!


好消息是,来自学术出版社的一项调查 Kids & 家庭阅读报告 found that overall, approximately 83% of kids ages 6-17 years old love or loved being read to. Although 91% of surveyed parents said that they read aloud to their kids every day at home until the age of 6, 随着年龄的增长,这一比例急剧下降. The reported number of parents reading 5 to 7 days a week drops to 1 in 3 kids (38%) for ages 6 to 8; it further decreases to 1 in 6 kids ages 9-11 (17%). 这是可以理解的, 随着孩子学会独立阅读,逐渐减少大声朗读是很自然的, but a good number of children ages 6-11 (around 40%) say they wished their parents would still read with them because of the bonding experience and fond memories reading together cultivates. 皮尤研究中心测量 额外的因素 考虑到, such as the amount of mothers versus the amount of fathers reading to their children (55% vs. 45%), households that make at least $50,000 annually versus households that make less (60% vs. 42%), and even those with at least some college education versus those without any (59% vs. 36%). 那里有相当多的信息, so I strongly encourage you to do your own additional research if you’d like to learn more about this topic!

A different 全国朗读调查 from Durham’s Partnership for Children found that nearly 40% of parents say that they can’t find time in the day to read to their children, and that only about 1 in 10 parents reported reading aloud daily for 15 minutes from birth. Technology also appears to have an impact on families spending read-aloud time together. 65% of parents say that their children watch TV at home while 54% use a tablet or other devices. 4 in 10 parents say that it’s easier to find video games than books for their children, 有一半的家长说书太贵了. 还好你可以去公共皇冠大全买球(眨眼,眨眼)! To be fair, there are additional surveys demonstrating that the number of parents reading aloud to their children in the early years has increased over the decades, 但整体连续性仍在下降.


找不到时间大声朗读? 考虑一下:有没有人可以帮你做这件事, 像祖父母一样, 阿姨或叔叔, 甚至是一个值得信赖的家庭朋友或保姆? I was the kid whose parents couldn’t spend read-aloud time with me because of their busy schedules, 所以我的祖父母和我一起做了. I can also admit that a certain amount of screen time helped my reading and comprehension, but I was still taught the value of sitting down with a good book and letting my own imagination do the work. It’s a little disheartening to see kids visiting the library who are more excited to use the computers than to find something they would like to read.

屏幕时间vs. 个人互动

As someone who developed a more complex vocabulary as a small child by playing text-heavy video games, 我个人可以证明,屏幕时间有它自己的好处. 然而,我最喜欢的 塞尔达传说 game could never replace the invaluable memories of cuddling up with my Papa and listening to him read some of my favorite childhood folktales or sitting with my Gramma and making up fun stories of our own with shadow puppets. 这里的教训是,与孩子的个人互动是 crucial 为了他们的发展. 尽管我们很忙, a learning game or stranger on a screen could never compare to a loved one taking the time to sit with them and read. 花时间去发现 what 他们也喜欢阅读,这将有助于培养对阅读的终身热爱. 你的孩子喜欢 Minecraft? Fantastic! 猜猜我们皇冠大全买球里有什么? Minecraft 图画小说和建筑指南! 自己不是一个自信的读者,在大声朗读时犹豫不决? 别担心,我们会帮你的. 我们有很多的选择 Wonderbooks in the Children’s department that do the work for you—all you have to do is be there with them. 更好的是,我们有普通的 每周StoryTimes 带你的孩子去参加各种朗读的乐趣!


We could discuss technology, work-life balance, “picky” readers, education gaps, the U.S. 教育系统, 还有其他重要的事情, but what’s the point in discussing if we don’t create the change we want to see in our own homes? The unfortunate fact of the matter is that many children are performing way below grade level in reading and comprehension. 随着孩子成长为青少年,对阅读的兴趣越来越低, partially—it seems—because there isn’t enough focus on reading in general and the ever-present distraction of technology and social media. 好消息是你有能力改变这一切. 没有人比你更适合给你的孩子一个人生的开端. 培养对阅读的热情, you are building a valuable foundation for your kiddos to become something great. Together, you and your little ones can make lifelong memories that you’ll always cherish while simultaneously strengthening their learning. 你每天只需要20分钟.

寻找一种免费的方式来建立你孩子的家庭皇冠大全买球? 请查看 多莉·帕顿想象皇冠大全买球, a book gifting program that mails free books to children in Natrona County from birth to age five. This international initiative aims to foster a love of reading and ensure that every child has books, 不管他们家庭的收入皇冠8868会员登录.

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